Thursday, November 18, 2010

Relative To Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

 Bourgeois has to do kind of like the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when it stars saying that all of the European powers have allied themselves against Communism, frequently demonizing its ideas. It's kind of when the people were starting to hear about the chocolate factory. Therefore, the Communists have assembled in London and written this Manifesto in order to make public their views, aims and tendencies, and to dispel the maliciously implanted misconceptions. It all begins by addressing the issue of class antagonism. In the movie they were also gethering people for the announcement. It shows the revolutions just like in the chocolate factory into exchange. They had towns just like in the chocolate factory. It became powerful. The Proletariate also has to do with the chocolate factory because it is linked to the Bourgeois , the Proletariate also developed, The proletarians live only as long as they can find work, and they can find work only as long as their labor increases capital. They have market just like in the movie. Technology has rendered their specialized skills no longer useful. The Manifesto then describes the past history of the proletariat. As soon as this class was created it began to struggle with the bourgeoisie. This struggle originally involved the individual laborer, and all these things are somehow linked just like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

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