Thursday, December 23, 2010

squad breaches the door of a suspected insurgent safe house

A. The prisoners also told the Iraqi soldiers where they could find the mortar tubes hidden down by the Tigris so they must be treated bad and that was it. soldiers let them go after a quick search, trying to walk the line between getting Mosul securely on its feet, and not creating more enemies out of Iraqis who just want to go about their lives. Mission Complete, Return to Base.The commander had allowed the two wounded men to go off in the ambulance to the al Jibouri hospital. But he radioed to the Iraqi Army and asked the IA to follow them. According to LTC Welsh, Iraqi soldiers “visited” the men in the hospital, playing dumb, and offering transportation home. Once they got there, Iraqi soldiers searched the home, finding six dead men: Death by Roughnecks.

B. The potential long and short term repercussions if any of these detainees are mistreated is that
•Correct misconceptions about torture and maltreatment fostered by television shows such as “24,” “LOST,” “Alias” and others.
•Review Laws of War and their application to U.S. interrogation policy and practices.
•Review instructions from the Army Field Manual 2-22.3 Human Intelligence Collector Operations. It used to be that only villains on television tortured. Today, “good guy” and heroic American characters torture,  and this torture is depicted as necessary, effective and even patriotic.

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