Thursday, February 10, 2011

Topic 07 Concept Guide

Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes, a Tennessee high school biology teacher, was arrested and charged with teaching evolution, violating the Butler Act. Scopes was found guilty and charged with $100

Prohibition: Jan. 1920; Was pushed by women's organizations because of domestic violence and child abuse. 18th Amendment prohibited manufacture & sales of "intoxicating liquor"

Flappers: Women who: had short hair, smoked, showed her gams, shoulders, and cleavage.

Economic Issues (1920s): Credit available to consumers but was dangerous & people couldn't believe it. Low interest rates meaning they were charged money to borrow money.

Dust Bowl: A period of severe dust storms which damaged a lot of agriculture across America and Canada. Contributing factors included droughts, over farming, and mechanisation.

Agriculture Issues: Caused by Dust Bowl but was aided by start of mechanism which meant no more crop rotating and made it easier to plant.

Immigration Policies (1920s): Oppositions to quotas disappear due to soldiers returning home from war taking all the jobs available so immigrant workers were less needed. Immigration Act of 1924 was established where 2% limit of each ethnic group from 1890

Significant Literary Works (1920s): Jacob Riis: "How The Other Half Lives" - Tells about the living conditions in New York slums in the 1880s. Upton Sinclair: "Jungle" - Where he reveals how processed meat is made.

The Great Migration: African Americans migrate from the south and more and more places up north are being occupied by African Americans. In some places, they even have their own little community where they own shops, businesses, and services.

Harlem Renaissance: It was the first time African Americans expressed their culture and were proud of it. Jazz was then created.

Sacco & Vanzetti: Italian anarchists convicted of murder and robbery. They were executed on Aug 23, 1927

Labor Issues: A lot of people were unemployed but most were drunks who drank all the time so they didn't look for jobs.

Red Scare: Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin takes Power in Russia, Russia turns in U.S.S.R., People were afraid of "un-american behaviors", examples include being foreign.

Schneck v. The United States: Espionage & Sedition Acts declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court.

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