Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Outline of Casablanca

.In World War II Casablanca, Rick Blaine, exiled American and former freedom fighter, runs the most popular nightspot in town.

.A voiceover explains the significance of the city of Casablanca, in French-ruled Morocco.

. During World War II, many people wanted to escape Europe for America, and Lisbon, Portugal, became the most popular port of exit.

.Getting to Lisbon was not easy. A tortuous refugee path brought people to Casablanca, where they would search for an exit visa for Portugal.

.As the narrator finishes the description, the camera shows Casablanca's bustling market. Over the radio, the French police announce that two German officers were murdered on a train and that the murderer is headed for Casablanca.

.Shortly thereafter, an important German officer, Major Strasser, arrives at the Casablanca airport and is greeted by the local French commander, Captain Louis Renault. Strasser asks about the couriers, and Louis says that the murderer, like everyone else, will be at Rick's that evening.

.The scene shifts to Rick's Café Americain, a stylish nightclub and casino.

.Ugarte approaches Rick, the bar's owner, and asks if he will hold some letters of transit for him. Rick observes dryly that the murdered German couriers were carrying letters of transit, but accepts the letters and hides them in the piano played by his house musician, Sam. Signor Ferrari, owner of the rival bar, the Blue Parrot, offers to buy Rick's, but Rick says his bar isn't for sale.

.Yvonne, Rick's neglected lover, tries to arrange a date for that evening, but Rick dismisses her attempts to pin him down and calls a cab to send her home. Louis tells Rick he's going to make an arrest and warns Rick against protecting the couriers' killer.

."I stick my neck out for nobody," Rick responds. Louis also mentions Victor Laszlo, a famous Czech nationalist, will be arriving in Casablanca and warns Rick against trying to assist Laszlo, whose political activities are a threat to Nazi Germany.

.After goodbyes, the Laszlos board the plane. Just then Strasser arrives. He calls the radio tower to prevent the plane's taking off, but Rick shoots him, and the plane leaves. The French police arrive, and Louis, who has seen everything, orders, "Round up the usual suspects."

.throwing out a bottle of Vichy water water produced in the unoccupied region of France that persecuted Jews and tried to win Nazi favor. Rick and Louis walk along the runway together. Louis says he can arrange for Rick to escape to Brazzaville, another French colony in Africa, and then announces he will go, too. The movie ends with Rick saying the famous final line, "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." "La Marseillaise" plays in the background.

Topic 9 Concept Guide

Role of Women during WWII:
- Women stepped out of the "norm," and with the men at war began working.
- Factory Jobs (aviation plants, weaponry production etc.)
- Nurses in Army and NavyCause and Effect of Use of the Atomic Bomb:
- United States called for a surrender of Japan on July 26, 1945.
- Japan was relentless and refused to surrender.
- On August 6, 1945 the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
- Japanese still did not give up
- On August 9, 1945 the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki-90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima
-60,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki- August 15, Japan surrender and WWII officially ended.US Foreign Policy Before, During, and After the War:
- The US began to show concern in 1935. Were Isolationist.
- Roosevelt disagreed with his advisors about sending resources to Europe.
- The US stayed neutral till 1941, we entered the war. US sees a shift.
- German U-boats sunk 500 merchant ships in the 1st months of the war.
- US was active in assisting Allies during the war.
- Supplied weapons and resources to allies.
Effects of the War on Europe:
- Europe was split up, borders changed
- Many cities were left in devastation.
- Many reparations were to be paid
- Formation of Communist Soviet Union
Effect of Pearl Harbor Attack:
12/07/41, 7:02 AM ( A date that will live in infamy)
First attack on Pearl Harbor.
-Surprise attack.
Japanese bombers bombed the Military Base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor.
-Pacific Fleet was bombed, 4 ships were destroyed.
-2,402 men were killedJapanese Internment:
Japanese Americans were sent to prison camps located all over the US (many on west coast, CA, OR, WA)
Stripped of all property and assests
-Supreme Court Case Koremazu vs US Govt.
- Koremazu tried to sue govt. for violation of constitutional rights.
- Supreme Court judged in favor or govt.
- In 1980 the govt. paid japanese americans affected $20,000Neutrality Acts:
US neutrality laws(1935-1937)
- embargo on arms sales (no selling of weapons)
- US battleships could not be armed.
- Americans could not travel on ships of countries at war.
Purpose of Propaganda:
- Propaganda was used to promote patriotism, and support for the countries at war.
- To move people to do something.
EX: In US, Propaganda for people to conserve resources for the war effort.
EX: In Germany, to turn in those who were disabled, or posters to show the US or other countries in negative light.
- Many countries tried to save everything, in order to conserve resources for the war efforts.
In Russia, the Ukaranian Famine was a result of Stalins attempt at rationing for the war efforts
- Many people were starved to death.
- US propaganda told people to conserve cooking fat, rubber, etc.Results of World War II:
-In 1949, 12 nation set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO
- US had major economic growth
- Many European cities were destroyed.
- NATO was formed
- Cold War ( suspicion of communist spies in US)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

World War II Timeline


November 11 - World War I ends with German defeat.
1919April 28 - League of Nations founded.

Time Line

June 28 - Signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

July 29 - Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party.

November 8/9 - Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch.

July 18 - Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" published.

September 8 - Germany admitted to League of Nations.

October 29 - Stock Market on Wall Street crashes.

September 14 - Germans elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany.

November 8 - Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the United States.
1933January 30 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

February 27 - The German Reichstag burns.

March 12 - First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.

March 23 - Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power.

April 1 - Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.

May 10 - Nazis burn books in Germany.

In June - Nazis open Dachau concentration camp.

July 14 - Nazi Party declared Germany's only political party.

October 14 - Germany quits the League of Nations.

June 30 - The Nazi "Night of the Long Knives."

July 25 - Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.

August 2 - German President Hindenburg dies.

August 19 - Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.

March 16 - Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.

September 15 - German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.

February 10 - The German Gestapo is placed above the law.

March 7 - German troops occupy the Rhineland.

May 9 - Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.

July 18 - Civil war erupts in Spain.

August 1 - Olympic games begin in Berlin.

October 1 - Franco declared head of Spanish State.

June 11 - Soviet leader Josef Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals.

November 5 - Hitler reveals war plans during Hossbach Conference.

March 12/13 - Germany announces 'Anschluss' (union) with Austria.

August 12 - German military mobilizes.

September 30 - British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich.

October 15 - German troops occupy the Sudetenland; Czech government resigns.

November 9/10 - Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass.

January 30, 1939 - Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech.

March 15/16 - Nazis take Czechoslovakia.

March 28, 1939 - Spanish Civil war ends.

May 22, 1939 - Nazis sign 'Pact of Steel' with Italy.

August 23, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.

August 25, 1939 - Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.

August 31, 1939 - British fleet mobilizes; Civilian evacuations begin from London.

September 1, 1939 - Nazis invade Poland.

September 3, 1939 - Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.

September 4, 1939 - British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy.

September 5, 1939 - United States proclaims its neutrality; German troops cross the Vistula River in Poland.

September 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins.

September 17, 1939 - Soviets invade Poland.

September 27, 1939 - Warsaw surrenders to Nazis; Reinhard Heydrich becomes the leader of new Reich Main Security Office (RSHA).

See also: The History Place - Biography of Reinhard Heydrich.

September 29, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets divide up Poland.

In October - Nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany.

November 8, 1939 - Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.

November 30, 1939 - Soviets attack Finland.

December 14, 1939 - Soviet Union expelled from the League of Nations.

Abraham Lewent Questions

1. How did Abraham attend a jewish school in the first place? 

2. How did you manage to survive after not having food or water or heat? if you survived your strong.

3. Was the ghetto place big?

4. Flames is from the burning room?

5. Was the deportation with you and your dad or separate ?

The Survivors Of The Holocaust

Beginning in March 1942, a wave of mass murder swept across Europe. During the next 11 months 4,500,000 human beings were eliminated. By the end of World War II the toll had risen to approximately 6,000,000 Jews, which included 1,500,000 children, who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers. When the killing ended those who survived were released from the concentration camps and came out of hiding. Here you can read some of their stories.
Though they survived the Holocaust, most have not escaped from the pain.
My reaction from these clips was that during the Holocaust these three people went thru a lot of stress having their family members being taken away or killed. i almost cried. The radio was a very important way the people communicated, years went by and people all scared for what's coming next. No one knew what would happen, it was so violent. people being called but not knowing were they where going, People didn't know what it was all about , people went to passenger cars, they needed to pay for the children, the bad people came from the military, violance and mourning.