Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Topic 9 Concept Guide

Role of Women during WWII:
- Women stepped out of the "norm," and with the men at war began working.
- Factory Jobs (aviation plants, weaponry production etc.)
- Nurses in Army and NavyCause and Effect of Use of the Atomic Bomb:
- United States called for a surrender of Japan on July 26, 1945.
- Japan was relentless and refused to surrender.
- On August 6, 1945 the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
- Japanese still did not give up
- On August 9, 1945 the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki-90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima
-60,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki- August 15, Japan surrender and WWII officially ended.US Foreign Policy Before, During, and After the War:
- The US began to show concern in 1935. Were Isolationist.
- Roosevelt disagreed with his advisors about sending resources to Europe.
- The US stayed neutral till 1941, we entered the war. US sees a shift.
- German U-boats sunk 500 merchant ships in the 1st months of the war.
- US was active in assisting Allies during the war.
- Supplied weapons and resources to allies.
Effects of the War on Europe:
- Europe was split up, borders changed
- Many cities were left in devastation.
- Many reparations were to be paid
- Formation of Communist Soviet Union
Effect of Pearl Harbor Attack:
12/07/41, 7:02 AM ( A date that will live in infamy)
First attack on Pearl Harbor.
-Surprise attack.
Japanese bombers bombed the Military Base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor.
-Pacific Fleet was bombed, 4 ships were destroyed.
-2,402 men were killedJapanese Internment:
Japanese Americans were sent to prison camps located all over the US (many on west coast, CA, OR, WA)
Stripped of all property and assests
-Supreme Court Case Koremazu vs US Govt.
- Koremazu tried to sue govt. for violation of constitutional rights.
- Supreme Court judged in favor or govt.
- In 1980 the govt. paid japanese americans affected $20,000Neutrality Acts:
US neutrality laws(1935-1937)
- embargo on arms sales (no selling of weapons)
- US battleships could not be armed.
- Americans could not travel on ships of countries at war.
Purpose of Propaganda:
- Propaganda was used to promote patriotism, and support for the countries at war.
- To move people to do something.
EX: In US, Propaganda for people to conserve resources for the war effort.
EX: In Germany, to turn in those who were disabled, or posters to show the US or other countries in negative light.
- Many countries tried to save everything, in order to conserve resources for the war efforts.
In Russia, the Ukaranian Famine was a result of Stalins attempt at rationing for the war efforts
- Many people were starved to death.
- US propaganda told people to conserve cooking fat, rubber, etc.Results of World War II:
-In 1949, 12 nation set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO
- US had major economic growth
- Many European cities were destroyed.
- NATO was formed
- Cold War ( suspicion of communist spies in US)

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